
Start your water-related career in the deep end at IU

If you want to study, manage, map, or make policies concerning water, dive right in at IU. Our staff and world-class faculty will guide you through your degree and toward co-curricular opportunities that accelerate your career and research goals.

Pullquote from grad student or alum about working directly with faculty being exciting or affecting their career opportunities

Name of student

We are Water@IU

World-class faculty

IPE-affiliated teaching faculty members working on water are leaders in their fields, earning significant grants, publishing research in top journals, and winning the world's highest honors for environmental study.

Brian Yanites does very cool water things. Here are some.
Darren Ficklin...does very cool water things. Here are some.
Todd Royer...does very cool water things. Here are some. beep beep
Chen Zhu ...does very cool water things. Here are some.
Zhiying Li...does very cool water things. Here are some.
Eduardo Brondizio does very cool water things. Here are some. Also Volvo Prize.
Mallory Barnes... does very cool water things. Here are some.

Meet the professors working on water across IU

Find the professors leading the courses and research projects in water most interesting to you in:

By the numbers


$XMin funding for ongoing water-related research projects

XXXXDegrees with water focus available at IU

Student success

Meet Lindsey, the best water grad student to ever have graced the Bloomington campus. Here are a few things she did/does while at IU, including a cool research project with a named faculty member: 1 2 3

Work alongside our renowned faculty to solve water-related issues here—now.

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