Research areas

Make an impact in one of our research areas

Learn about the IPE-affiliated faculty and programs you can join to make tangible impacts on our environment now in areas such as water, climate justice, and more.

Reshape our understanding of water

Study, manage, map, model, and monitor water, or influence related decision-making, policy, and outcomes.

IU has significant expertise in freshwater ecology, water quality, geomorphology, CO2-water-rock interactions, hydroclimatology, hydrology, and more.

Our current faculty's work on water has been recognized by the White House, cited thousands of times in the last five years, and featured in the Los Angeles Times. It's been published in leading journals and receives substantial funding.

IU also offers a minor in Water Resources Science, Policy, and Management.

Find out how
More research areas coming soon

Check back to learn about the world-class IPE-affiliated faculty leading research in subjects such as:

  • Environmental justice and ethics
  • Climate solutions and adaptations
  • Biodiversity
  • Pollutants and health
  • Food
  • Energy transition