160 results found

Carl Ipsen
Food; history; Italy; population; sustainability

Christoph Irmscher
Ecocriticism; American nature writing; 19th-century American poetry

Alex Jahn
Bird migration; effects of climate change and urbanization on human health, food security, and environmental resiliency

Claudia C. Johnson
Reefs and climate change; Cretaceous marine ecosystems; invertebrate paleontology,

Olga Kalentzidou
Food memory; cooking and cookbooks; migration and identity; experiential learning and community engagement; teaching pedagogy and food pedagogy

Lisa Kamendulis
Toxicology; contribution of environmental chemicals on human diseases; environmental health; cancer biology

Stephanie Kane
Climate change; environmental justice; ethnography; Latin America; political ecology of water

David Kehoe
Light and nutrient acclimation; aquatic biology; cyanobacteria; marine biology

Jason Kelly
18th-century Britain; history of archaeology; history of art and architecture; environmental history; Anthropocene; history of science; historiography and theory; contemporary public art; oral history

Elizabeth Kenderes
Igneous petrology; radiogenic isotopes; mineral chemistry

Ellen Ketterson
Animal migrations; avian biology; behavioral ecology; phenotypic integration; physiological ecology

Yuri Kim
Watershed hydrology; hydrologic modeling; water resources; climate change; land use and landcover changes; GIS and remote sensing

David Konisky
Climate change; energy; environmental policy; federalism; public opinion; regulation; state politics

Ben Kravitz
Climate engineering; climate modeling; climate system feedbacks

Steven F. Kreft
Corporate social responsibility; sustainable business strategy; non-market risks from activists and public policy

Kerry Krutilla
Energy and environmental policy analysis; natural resource management in developing countries; benefit-cost analysis

Mathias Kruttli
Climate finance

Melissa Laney
Limnology; lake and watershed management; aquatic and terrestrial habitats; implementing sustainability initiatives on campus and in community

Becca Lassell
Gerontology; participatory approaches; health equity; Alzheimer's disease; nature-based interventions; hospice; home health care